Half of UK Kids Glued to Streaming

By Sean Willis 08 November 2016 - 16:50 GMT
A recent study of 2,000 parents revealed that more than 50per cent of children in the United Kingdom will have their own phone by age 11. This may mean that their teenage years will revolve around social media, texts and computer games. Researchers also found that:
· One in 20 children will have their own mobile phone by the age of six
· Two thirds of parents will allow their child to have internet access on their device
· 28per cent of children will be allowed to use their phone all day without any adult supervision
· One in ten children will use their mobile during the school day
· 12per cent of children with mobile will log in to social media as soon as they get home from school
· Only 10per cent of children will wait until after dinner before using their phone
The study also revealed that one of the major reasons why parents purchase a phone for their children is because they want them contactable at all times.
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