Youtube 360-degree videos

By Sean Willis 10 January 2017 - 16:50 GMT
Unconfirmed reports claim that YouTube has been meeting with camera manufacturers with the intention of developing a way to live stream 360 videos. Many speculate that the company is working on setting up specifications with camera manufacturers that would let people stream live 360-degree videos from regular cameras.
Currently, there are only a small number of 360-degree cameras and they produce low quality output. Most cameras available today shoot several videos and pull them together to create 360-degree videos. Although such is fine for videos that are to be uploaded later on, they are not ideal for live streaming.
The reported talks are the latest in a series of bets YouTube has made on 360-degree videos. The company has previously supported the interactive format and added Google Cardboard that allows users to strap their smartphone into the low-cost headset and look around inside the 3D version of 360-degree videos. Samsung is also rumoured of putting its own 360-degree camera.
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